Tips to Strengthen Your Relationships

The relationships we form with other people – whether friends, family, or significant others – can have one of the most vital impacts on our mental, emotional, and physical health. Taking time to invest in relationships and creating long-lasting bonds can lead to a deeper, meaningful, and more satisfying life.

As humans, we have a desire to be close to others and to form attachments. There are several benefits to strong, positive relationships. Being more connected to the people in our lives can help clear our head and increase our moods. Relationships provide us with a social support system that helps us regulate our emotions, and learn to manage our stress, fears, and hopes. It can also affect our physical health; good relationships can allow us to develop healthier habits, be more resistant to health problems, and live longer.

However, you should try not to rely on one relationship and to foster healthy relationships across a network of people. Relationships can come in many different forms and provide us with the intimacy, comfort, love, and support that we need for a happier life. So, it’s important to put in the time and effort to maintain and strengthen your relationships. Here are a few, simple tips to improving the relationships in your life.


Let Your Appreciation Show

We all know how nice it feels to be appreciated, but sometimes we can get comfortable and start to take each other for granted.  Don’t be afraid to express your love and appreciation with your words and actions. This could be as easy as praising someone for doing a good job, complimenting them on their work, giving a small gift, helping them out, or simply just paying attention to them. Let people know that what they’re doing isn’t going unnoticed and that they’re valued. Acknowledge their qualities and efforts, and you may find that they will do the same for you. A little can go a long way; a simple “Thank you” could be all someone needs to hear.


Communication is Key

Poor communication can be a huge reason for breakdowns in relationships; when needs are unmet or unheard, one may feel frustrated and resentful. It takes time and trust to develop proper communication, so it’s important to be committed.  Communication is a two-way street, so don’t expect from others what you cannot provide in return.  

            Here are some points to consider for good communication:

  • Be Attentive – If you want people to listen to you, you also have to listen to them. Active listening in a conversation involves verbal and non-verbal signals to show the other person that you are listening. Such as eye contact, open body-language, nodding, encouraging comments, etc. Let the person know you care about what they have to say.
  • Be Understanding – Put things into perspective. If someone is sharing their concerns with you, imagine how they may be feeling and be mindful of their needs. Consider what they may want from sharing their troubles with you; do they want your help, or do they just need someone to listen to them? And be willing to hear things that might not fall within your expectations.
  • Be Open and Honest – Effective communication requires you to be direct. Let others know what you expect/need from them. Do you want your friend to give you their full attention in a conversation? Tell them. Need a partner to help you out with a task? Let them know. Be confident and clear with your feelings by using “I” statements. For example, “I feel frustrated when…”, “When this happens, this is how I feel”, etc.
  • Work Together – When there is a conflict, resolution often requires compromise and cooperation. Learning to solve problems together will build confidence and trust in each other, and a stronger bond.  


Spend Quality Time Together

This may seem like an obvious idea, but it can be a challenge in some relationships. Life can sometimes get busy and you may forget about the people around you. Strong relationships take time, effort and energy. You can either schedule plans or be spontaneous. It can be as simple as going for a walk with a partner, or making plans with the family to eat dinner together regularly. It can be creating memories by trying something new with a friend, or planning a vacation for the whole family. It gives everyone a chance to share experiences and reconnect. It can be easy to become distracted and distanced, even when living in the same home.


Be There For Yourself Too   

Whilst spending time with someone is important to strengthen a relationship, it can also help to take time to nurture yourself too. Spending too much time with someone could lead to overstepped boundaries or contempt. Practicing self-care will allow you to be more open and prepared to give your loved ones the attention they need without feeling overspent or drained. You can give yourself a moment to pursue your interests and passions away from the responsibilities of being a partner, friend, or parent, etc. This way you can bring energy and more appreciation into your relationships. Achieving a balance of space and closeness can be challenging but key to strengthening a relationship.