Focusing on the Positives

It’s normal to feel down and discouraged from time to time. Sometimes we can feel as if we have no control over the events in our life and it can be difficult to remain optimistic. Maintaining positive in our daily lives can be a constant challenge, it requires your focus and attention. It’s easy to let our negative thoughts and moods influence us and our decisions. But focusing on the positives doesn’t necessarily mean pretending the bad doesn’t exist, it is about reinterpreting and adapting to bring out the good. Staying positive is linked to better stress management and coping skills, better mental and physical health, better relationships, etc.

When we concentrate on what is good in our lives, we will feel more encouraged and motivated to continue looking for it. Here are a few ways to try and focus on the positives:

  • Use Positive Self-Talk - Be kind to yourself; if you wouldn’t say it to a friend, don’t say it to yourself. Self-talk are the thoughts you have about yourself. Negative self-talk may come easily without notice. Be mindful; challenge these negative thoughts. When you catch yourself thinking negatively, stop and reconstruct them into more positive messages. For example, let “I’m so bad at this” become “Once I practice more, I’ll get better”, let “I’ll never be able to do it” become “I’ll try my best, and that will be enough”. Be encouraging to yourself. It will train you to be more optimistic and help you adapt to situations better.
  • Acknowledge Your Strengths – We tend to be harder on ourselves and amplify what we perceive to be our imperfections. But it’s important to highlight your strengths and compliment yourself. No matter how small or big. Whether it’s how you liked the way you styled your hair that day, or maybe how you solved a problem at work, or perhaps you cooked a nice meal. Remind yourself of the things you are good at; acknowledge when you do a good job.
  • Share Positivity – Acts of kindness can help increase levels of happiness and improve self-esteem in ourselves and in others. It feels good making others feel good. Sharing positivity can be as simple as telling someone “thank you” for doing something, letting a colleague know they’re doing a good job, or complimenting someone on their outfit. Cultivating a positive environment will encourage others to be kind and appreciative in return.
  • Practice Gratitude – Taking time out of your day to remind yourself what you are grateful for is linked with overall positive emotions, reduced stress, and life satisfaction. Write in a journal. Take at least 5 minutes each day to write about something good that happened. It can be one thing or a list of several different things. Being specific and using details can help your mind remember the experience, focus on the positive, and boost your mood.
  • Be Realistic – Manage your expectations. You can feel upset and stressed when plans don’t go the way you expect. When we set goals for ourselves that are far out of our reach, the disappointment of not meeting them can result in a negative attitude and be discouraging. You will feel more productive and sense of accomplishments when you avoid expecting unrealistic results. Know your limits and work at a pace comfortable for you. Be flexible. This also applies to the expectations we have of the people around us. Life and people can be unpredictable, and when others don’t act the way you expect them to it can be frustrating. Be prepared for outcomes to change and you will be able to adapt and stay more positive.
  • Take a Break – Life can get overwhelming and sometimes we need to take a break. Bring yourself moments of clam. Make time to recharge and refocus. You could meditate for several minutes a day, this can improve your mood, decrease stress, and help you become more self-aware of your needs and thoughts. You could listen to music that you enjoy or songs with positive messages. It may also help to unplug from technology and be selective with the information that you are exposed to both online and offline.
  • Remember Self-Care - It’s important to form healthy habits such as getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising in order to stay positive. If you aren’t feeling well it can be easy to let the negative thoughts take over you.